
Juilliard Park

6 mještana preporučuje,

Savjeti mještanina

July 2, 2019
The most beautiful park in Santa Rosa with hundreds of varieties of trees, and which is just around the corner from us. We don't recommend walking alone through it at night, as with many parks, some people like to make it their home at night. During the day, we love to stroll through, picnic, and enjoy
June 19, 2018
Big park with bocce and water features near art galleries.
April 4, 2016
Beautiful downtown park, named after famed musician Julliard!
September 24, 2015
A nice place to sit under the trees in the grass.

Jedinstvene aktivnosti u blizini

Istražite skrivene dragulje okruga Sonoma
Obilazak vinarije sa vodičem za električni bicikl
Obilazak slastičarnice i degustacija sira sa lokalnim proizvođačem sira

Mještani takođe preporučuju

227 Santa Rosa Ave
Santa Rosa, CA